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Will Apple Inc stock (AAPL) go up in 2025?

The average prediction reflects an increase of +0.03% from the last recorded price of $ 192.25. Apple Inc Stock ( AAPL) is expected to reach an average price of $ 277.26 in 2025, with a high prediction of $ 334.50 and a low estimate of $ 220.02. This indicates an +44.22% rise from the last recorded price of $ 192.25.

How much will Apple Inc (AAPL) cost in 2050?

See the projected annual prices until 2050 of the Apple Inc stock below: Apple Inc ( AAPL) is expected to reach an average price of $958.62 in 2035, with a high prediction of $961.58 and a low estimate of $928.60. This indicates an +398.63% change from the last recorded price of $192.25.

Is Apple a good brand in 2025?

In 2021, this is a very effective marketing narrative, and it will only become more so over time. In 2025 these issues will resonate even more deeply. Security, privacy and ESG burnish the brand, but the products are the core of it. Again, Apple does not list intangibles, but Interbrand put the value of the Apple brand at $323 billion in 2020.

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